Bidding Cosmetic Surgical Procedures

Bidding Models for Elective Medical Procedures

Will This Revenue Model Work?
Perhaps bidding on products or using traveling agencies services, these revenue models do work very good to say the least. However when it comes to your health care and using such revenue models such as the lowest-bidder-gets-the-patient model, does have huge implications. While some companies have even gone to great lengths to patent “lowest-bidder-gets-the-patient model” technology, in the end the amount of traction will most likely be very minimal.

Surgeon Specialists
Surgeons are usually put into a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 level. Thus, the back-end data for each surgeon is being analyzed, compared and cross-referenced using complex relevant methodologies. Though, methodologies due vary from company to company, the more factual and detailed the data is regarding each surgeons professional history, the higher the accuracy rate becomes. Then, the data is maneuvered around through various channels and ultimately is used in conjunction with insurance for surgeons and other cost factors.

Facelift Surgery Information
Find relevant detailed information regarding facelifts or facial plastic surgeons.

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